Free street-foodstuffs


I don’t know even know what’s appropriate to leave outside anymore. I mean, I can understand furniture and pots and things like that, but leaving your secondhand pantry out on the sidewalk for adventurous souls to test their gastronomic fortitude?



Author: Andrew Sarkarati

caution is the path to mediocrity. gliding, passionless mediocrity is all that most people think they can achieve.

11 thoughts on “Free street-foodstuffs”

  1. This is obsessive compulsive behavior similar to hoarding. People can’t bear to throw something out “because someone might need it”.

    1. Yes. Re-use and charity is clearly obsessive behavior akin to hoarding.

      …Wait, this isn’t Bizarro World? My mistake, then.

    2. I agree on this. Reminds me of a roommate who would leave absolute junk out on the street, making a three to four day mess until the trash people came. If you asked him to just put it in the trash, he’d go on and on about recycling and consumerism, but really, he was just pretty OCD and moving down the hoarder continuum. Except in this city, where he’d get nods of agreement by reflexively recycling types who didn’t see the nature of the truly junky junk he’d put out on the sidewalk.

  2. I always thought it was people being nice who could afford to buy food to leave out for the homeless. sometimes the pidgeons get to it first, and the blood orgy begins

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