3D City: Everyday

3D City is a year long stereoscopic photography project by Doctor Popular

With funds for film and developing being a little tight at the moment, I’ve been carrying around my Lumix 3D1 more and more these days. It’s small, has a wide lens, and the most subtle stereoscopic lens distance of any other digital camera at the moment. It’s nice to have a pocket sized camera to carry around the neighborhood again. If you don’t mind having the menu in Japanese, you can also grab an Olympus 3D1 here for a hundred bucks less. Since the UI is mostly symbols, it’s not that difficult to navigate either way. Speaking of money saving tips: the $15 haircuts at Lee Hong on 16th (in the above photo) are a hell of a deal.

More shots after the bump.
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3D City: Accidents In Stereo

3D City is a year long stereoscopic photography project by Doctor Popular

Film is temperamental. Old cameras can be too. I’ve been shooting on my Nimslo 3D camera long enough to have a decent pile of fuck-ups, but accidents and film aren’t always bad thing. Some of these shots had something wrong happen in developing, others were the result of the film not properly advancing. I hated them when checking them out through the loupe, but found that when I turned them into animations (the Nimslo shots 4 side by side shots at the same time), they took on a life of their own.

More shots after the bump.
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3D City: Colorful Streets

3D City is a year long stereoscopic photography project by Doctor Popular

Taking a break from my usual routine (black and white people-on-the-streets shots), this week’s 3D City is all about the colors of the Mission. Buildings, trees, sunsets, etc. All shots taken with a Lumix DMC-3D1, my favorite new digital 3D camera.

More shots after the bump.
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3D City: Can He Kick It?

3D City is a year long stereoscopic photography project by Doctor Popular

There’s been a growing pile of not-yet-scanned 35mm film piling up in the corner of my studio. As I finally began the lengthy process of scanning and editing, I was instantly taken back to the one good rainy weekend we had this season. Wandering in the rain with my Nimslo 3D camera, stepping over discarded umbrellas, hanging out by Yamo watching the can-kicking-dude nail a trick shot, and trying to capture the rare SF lightning storm. Good times.

More shots after the bump.
Continue reading “3D City: Can He Kick It?”

3D City: Glowing

3D City is a year long stereoscopic photography project by Doctor Popular

For the night is dark and full of glowy things… sorry, I’m still in character from that Game of Thrones prom thing at the Armory on Saturday. I’ve been bringing my Lumix 3D camera out on rainy nights and capturing neon signs and fire spinners around the city.

A few more shots after the bump.
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3D City: Cone Of Shame

3D City is year long stereoscopic photography project by Doc Pop

I brought an old Image Tech 3D camera along on a recent walk from the Mission to North Beach. It’s a small cheap camera with 3 side by side lenses (one less than my my favorite Nimslo cam). It was fun to shoot with, but I’ll probably just stick with my Nimslo. The doggy in the top shot was spotted at Al’s Attire in North Beach. One of my favorite shops to visit when in North Beach.
Continue reading “3D City: Cone Of Shame”

3D City: Pillow Fight

Another Valentine’s Day, another massive Pillow Fight in Justin Herman Plaza. This year I brought my Nimslo camera and a roll of Fuji’s 800 ISO film. These explosions of feathers and streaks of light are what I came back with. Since this is my fifth installment of 3D City, I’ve also attached a little bonus image at the bottom. It’s an unedited scan, so you can see how the shots look straight off my camera.
Continue reading “3D City: Pillow Fight”

3D City: The Blessing Of the Doggies

One rainy Sunday I headed down to Dolores to watch the ceremonial blessing of the Doggie Diner Heads. On hand for the event where Sister Dana Van Iquity (from the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence), Ed Holmes, John Law, and a small crowd of dog lovers.
Continue reading “3D City: The Blessing Of the Doggies”

3D City: Welcome to 3D City!

Film photography & gifs have a lot of common. Graininess, sure, they both have that in spades, but they’re also underdog formats. There are easier ways to capture a moment, and less bloated ways to make that moment move again, but these media just doesn’t know when to quit, and that’s why I find them so charming.

I was telling Allan about my transition from smartphones to film cameras, and my current obsession of mixing digital/analog together. He offered to let me share my year long 3D City project here on Mission Mission. Each week I’ll share some new work along with little bits of info on the camera and film I used (for the photo nerds out there). These shots are from a roll of Arista Premium (a Tri-X knockoff) on my Nishika N8000.

Continue reading “3D City: Welcome to 3D City!”