Who Will Be Our Next Supervisor?

Just a reminder: the big debate is tonight at the Victoria Theatre at 7:30. It’s open to the public, all the candidates will be there, and the moderator is local media luminary Melissa Griffin. Complete details are at District 9 Debate 2008, including sponsor list and question submission form (and the above graphic).

P.S. Dude, Tom Valtin looks like he belongs in Gogol Bordello! Badass!

10 thoughts on “Who Will Be Our Next Supervisor?”

  1. “media luminary”? Wow! Thank you so much! I’m really looking forward to the debate tonight – as much as a spectator as anyone. Y’all have some great candidates in D9. If you’re coming, I hope you’ll introduce yourself.

  2. OK i’ll be the first non-luminary…

    A, anyone living in the D9 able to attend, should attend. GET SMART!

    B, whomever is lucky enough to get your vote….PLEASE DO VOTE!

    C, please VOTE STOREY and take a step toward ridding our city of the fiasco “progressive” political regime.

    (but A & B are really much more…you know…important).

  3. Just got back from the “debate”. Some really great, thoughtful ideas out there. I really do think we’re suffering from an embarrassment of riches, as they say, with some very experienced and obviously passionate energetic candidates. Eric Quezada and Dave Campos really stood out as my top picks. Eric Storey portrayed himself as a total doorknob and Eva Royale came across as a nutter.

  4. All the candidates seemed like their intentions and hearts were in the right place. It was great to see them representing themselves for the sake of Dis 9…

    However zinzin, I’m sorry but Storey just ain’t a fit and doesn’t stand out over Quezada, Campos, or Sanchez. And frankly, he seemed pretty disconnected on a few of the issues.

    And I agree dana, Royale did come across as a bit neurotic.

  5. Sure, about as much as Campos looks the Verizon guy…. Royale looks a bit like Eva Longoria, Sanchez looks like Jason Giambi, Valtin looks like Tom Selleck, and Storey looks like Rob Lowe.

    Hey, how about that wrong choice of question for Queszada that Storey volleyed?

  6. Exactly that, Nibbly. Storey has no clue what causes crime in this community and has insulted all the hardworking lower and middle income class folks in our neighborhoods who struggle to get by. I’d hate to have a district supervisor who believes all of those who are not in the top income brackets are the past, present and future criminals.

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