Oddfellow Shoes-On-Wire Art

Shoes-on-wire art is gonna be huge. What better way is there to get your name out and indicate that you can buy crack on this block?


Hobo Oddfellow

Oddfellow’s First Appearance in Tales of the Mission Issue #16

Cone in a Hole and Other Codes of the City

Author: Vic Wong

I own a sword. I like to write. I am a software engineer for pandora.com. I am a gypsy jazz guitarist.

4 thoughts on “Oddfellow Shoes-On-Wire Art”

  1. Hah, wow.
    That’s a spectacular idea……I think the only issue, though, is that (personally at least) I see shoes on power lines, but out of the corner of my eye. I never actually look AT them, because it’s such a common thing that I’ve seen so often.
    It’d be neat if someone did something like neon green shoes, though–now THAT I would look at.

  2. Where I come from, if you see a pair of shoes hanging on the power lines, it means that the dealer is there!
    Just saying….

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