5 thoughts on “Obama Just Another Fucking Puppet?”

  1. if by “puppet” the writer means another politician then yes. lets look at the facts:

    1. threw reverend wright under the bus when it was politically convenient to do so;

    2. threw pledge to take public campaign fiance under the bus when it was politically convenient to do so;

    3. threw opposition to wire tapping statue under the bus when it was politically convenient to do so.

    Look, politicians throw people/promises under the bus all the time, but to come out here and preach to me that you are about “change” and “hope” but continue to pull the same old shit is disingenuous at best and suspiciously dangerous at worst.

  2. The lines he’s crossed have left the public confused by his inactions. Jesse offered him a Punch to his Judies, but he had his “EMPIRE” state buddies ‘Cover’ his flank.

  3. reading infowars turns your brain into a radiation machine. Alex Jones is actually a secret agent trying to mislead you from the real conspiracy, maaaaaaaaan.

  4. HA HA HA. I said 5 years ago THAT POLITICAL PARTIES ARE MERE FRONTS FOR THE REAL POWER, THE CORPORATIANS NAMELY BANKERS .People laughed bc they were ignorant to the truth.Well who is laughing now. America is on the brink
    of a revolution. the truth always comes out.Obama and the ones before are sheep,puppets .Their role is to bring in the AGENDA of the elites total tyranny to mankind. Americans and the world is waking up. time to take your freedon back.Non compliance and expose these people to who they really are. Enough is enough, the house of cards is falling and they are running scared.Keep up the fight humanity,they cannot and will not WIN!

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