Princess Pub Crawl

Emo princess is emo.

Okay, I know this isn’t the Cacophony email list, but who doesn’t love getting drunk in costume?  Besides, is there a better way to relive that time you threw up all over Valencia St. at 4pm during SantaCon while dressed as a homosexual elf than by dusting off your best princess costume and getting lit on Christmas in July?  500 Club, this Saturday at 8:30 PM:

Are all of your friends talking animals? Do you spend your day cleaning up after 7 very short men? Do you dream of your prince coming one day? Do you often find yourself sitting in a dark room wearing a crown, rocking back and forth, and screaming “BUT MOMMY I AM A PRETTY PRETTY PRINCESS!!!” ? Do you want to laugh at a bunch of people dressed up doing a bar crawl?

Well then the Princess Pub Crawl is just for you!

Join us Saturday July 25th dressed as your favorite Princess, Villain, Ugly Step-sister, or Prince. Yes boys this pub crawl is for you too! We’ll be hitting all the good bars in the Mission that have photo booths (and a few bars without in between!)!

Bring your friends! Everyone is welcome!

Important Points:
1. We’ll be starting at 500 Club around 8:30 PM. A map of the crawl and contact numbers will be given out before the pub crawl. Be at 500 Club before 10:00 PM or else!
2. If you do not dress up be prepared to wear an embarrassingly pink fluffy princess crown provided by the organizers. Costumes are required.
3. There will be prizes for the best dressed so bring it.


Author: Kevin Montgomery

No one should have a biography at age 24.

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