30 thoughts on “Her Majesty’s Secret Beekeeper Signage Vandalized”

  1. It’s called “Street Art” and was performed by “Street Artists.” Now, go back to making fun of passed out homeless people and admiring the shit stains on your sidewalk.

    1. But it was “A Small Business Sign” created by “A Small Business”, who now, in a crappy economy, will have to shell out time + $$ to fix this.

      BTW, you can make fun of people and still care about poverty. Sometimes it is better to laugh and make others aware than cry alone.

  2. I noticed Ribity tagged the pet store sign at 19th & Valencia. It is such a petty impulse to scribble your name on any surface. Real artists sign their own artwork.

  3. How come no one ever catches these assholes when they are scribbling? I’d like to stuff their markers up their nostrils.

  4. vandals take ridiculous chances to make you miserable. it makes me cry. if i ever saw one doing it i would give them my thanks.

    1. Ridiculous chances? What, if SFPD catches you, they’ll give you a stern talking to? A “please don’t do that again, or we’ll have to warn you”?

  5. Some cocksucker tagged our awning at Self Edge last year, cost me $1200 to get a new awning… I understand the concept of graffiti, it’s just when it hits a small local business that hard it’s just stupid and unnecessary.

      1. Because it’s harder for a small business to absorb the costs of replacing a sign than a large business which has a far higher gross income.

  6. along with this guy I’ll vote #1 DOUCHE OF THE CITY: EUROE / BKF (Big Kid Fun) / RIBITY… And take off those stupid GLASSES douche.

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