Questionably Racist Masks on 24th St.

Racist Mask 2

According to reader Eric, it looks like the store famous for their rack of luchador masks might be crossing a boundary:

Have you guys noticed these racist masks that they’re selling at that place on 24th between Capp and South Van Ness?

What the fuck?!?

Author: Kevin Montgomery

No one should have a biography at age 24.

14 thoughts on “Questionably Racist Masks on 24th St.”

  1. That’s because you’re not black. If you have any black friends, you should ask them if they fail to see it as well.

    1. shhhh… I hear a whaaaambulance

      Not only is it a very well known character in mexican pop culture, it’s also older than dirt.

      And now it’s proof that even though you might not be a racist that doesn’t mean you are not prejudiced, you are really just seeing your own ignorance and sub-concious hatred.

      Most black people I know ‘get’ that.

  2. i work right above that store. first of all, the people who own that store are kind of assholes. second, i saw that mask when they first put it out and i almost pissed myself.

  3. I wonder if black Mexicans think its racist? I’m not greatly offended by it, but it’s a bit tacky and ignorant to sell it in the US.

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