Started a New Mission District/SF Culture Blog (It’s Been Real, Mission Mission)

If you want to skip my noise and check it out, go ahead:  Uptown Almanac.

Dunno what to say, really.  I love San Francisco, I love the Mission District, but for some reason, I am hella burned out writing about the daily happenings in the Mission and most of my posts these days just kinda suck.  My world is bigger than the Mission.  San Francisco is bigger than the Mission.  The Mission is bigger than the Mission.  But people come to this blog for a reason and I have to recognize that.

So, Uptown Almanac is an attempt to chronicle everything that makes the Bay Area the best goddamn place in the States and the general debachery that goes along with the 20-something culture, written by some of the lousiest voices in SF.

From our about page:

The blog is made up of a few pendejos (who mostly live in the Mission but whatever):

  • Bailey Genine: Lived in a broke-ass Tahoe house for three years.  Watched a toilet bowl freeze in her house and has puked off of ski-lifts.  ’nuff said.  Tumblr + Twitter.
  • Brizz: The mind behind The Tens.  He also spends too much time in L.A.
  • Jim Chaney: Author of a generally decent tumbleblog and twitter account.  Hails from the alright state of Ohio.
  • Kate Horton: Enjoys Urkel-Os cereal.  If that isn’t enough qualification, I don’t know what is. Twitter + Tumblr.
  • Kevin Montgomery: Some guy that used to write most of the entries for Mission Mission in late 2009.  He thinks he’s funny, but he’s not.  Twitter + Tumblr.
  • Laura Beck: This girl writes for so many publications that there is no way in hell you’d have the attention span to read about them all.  Most notably, she’s the lead for Vegansaurus!, which is basically a Grocery Eats for white people.  Twitter.
  • Serg: He’s been writing Beer and Rap before most of us lived in the Mission District.  He also writes Grocery Eats, which is basically a vegansaurus! for meat-eaters/people who hate white-people’s cooking.  Twitter.

Anyways, Kat, Vic and Ariel will be taking it from here.  Don’t worry, it’s going to be awesome.  Maybe I’ll stop by from time to time if I see something Mission-related that doesn’t belong on Uptown.  Who knows.  PEACE.

Uptown Almanac | RSS Feed

Author: Kevin Montgomery

No one should have a biography at age 24.

18 thoughts on “Started a New Mission District/SF Culture Blog (It’s Been Real, Mission Mission)”

  1. Great so we can expect to see more posts about the latest vegan offerings from all of the Mission’s eateries.

      1. Speaking of which, where is the blog for us 32+? is open. Somebody needs to step up.

  2. Its the cycle of life. Or I guess in this case the fixie of life. I for one will miss KM’s posts. But I’m glad you’re branching out. It was either that or a 24/7/365 Dolores Park blog with a live feed and a Benders chaser.

  3. “But people come to this blog for a reason and I have to recognize that.”


    MY reason for coming here is to ridicule pretentious, clueless, and parasitic douchebags’ postings in exchange for massive amounts of entertainment.

    So! I hear you’re going elsewheres to mock the poors and amuse yourself with the wacky antics of the mentally-ill and desperate! Nice!

    Sigh. My work is never done.

  4. Congrats KevMo. It’s my newest fave. And it’s not even a WordPress or a Tumblr, it’s an independent entity.

  5. Kevin, dude, I thought you were just hitting your stride. I’m really sorry to see you go. I really liked your posts. I thought you were the one who could take the reins from Allan, you know, the Chosen one. (Fuck, I should know by now not to believe in false prophets.)

  6. Does this mean I can finally start reading Mission Mission again without tearing my eyes out from all the spelling/grammar mistakes and general douchiness? Thank god.

  7. the tears that are slowly beginning to dry on my cheeks are not being replaced with new ones.

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