18th Street Block Party

ZOUNDS!!!!  You’ve been caught in a TIME MACHINE!!!  Quick, Click Here to warp back to the 2010 18th Street Block Party!  Warning:  Not Safe For Vegans (NSFV)

Reader Robert forwards us the skinny on the fancy charity shindig:

It’s the season of block parties! Next Saturday September 6th is ~PARTY ON BLOCK 18~, a full-tilt hootenanny featuring the 18th Street businesses between Dolores and Guerrero, which is where the street will be closed off. A family-style meal will be available, and the purchase of a ticket entitles everyone to a meal with your choice of three savory meals from Bi-Rite, Delfina, Dolores Park Café, and Craig’s Place, and Tartine and Bi-Rite Creamery will be handling the sweets. Since 18th Street is ALL about food, here are the menu items: spit-roasted Niman Ranch pork shoulder with summer bean salad and salsa verde, Fulton Valley chicken grilled under a brick with a Tuscan bread salad, and vegetarian paella and corn on the cob with Calabrian chili butter. The kids can enjoy Let’s Be Frank organic hotdogs, fresh sandwiches, and Bi-Rite Creamery hot fudge sundaes, fresh fruit smoothies, lemonade, and a watermelon agua fresca by Dolores Park Café. For the adults, in the Wine & Beer Garden there will be premium barrel of wine by Unti (a fave of mine) and keg beer by Russian River Brewing Company, Magnolia Brewery, and Anchor Steam. Entertainment includes gypsy band Gaucho, and teen rockers She’s and The Psychotherapists for the kids. The party runs from noon to 4pm. All proceeds from the party will be donated to the Women’s Building. Meals are $15, sides and sandwiches $2.50–$5, beverages $2.50–$5. For information and to purchase advance meal tickets, call Christie Ward at 415-971-7291 or email PARTYBLOCK18@gmail.com.

Looks like a bargain, and for a good cause, and Russian River Brewing Company! Thanks, Robert!

Update: Robert attributes this find to Marcia Gagliardi and her Tablehopper.com newsletter.

Previously on Mission Mission:

Katie Loves Gaucho

Women’s Building Architecture, Murals Celebrated

5 thoughts on “18th Street Block Party”

  1. this got billed to the people that actually live on 18th as ‘something for the neighbors and all the support they’ve given us in the last 10 years” instead of the frakking clusterfuck it is going to turn out to be….

  2. Sounds delicious, but crawling with rugrats. Shame Tartine is just doing sweets. Craig’s Place is gonna play with the big kids, lulz. Does that place exist for any reason other than morons and tourists who lack the patience to wait through the lines elsewhere? Anyone know if the cops are still being douches about open container laws in Dolores?

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