A Brief Interview with @SexySoupCart


As you might have heard, there is a new food cart, Sexy Soup Cart, serving up cheap eats in the Mission.  I was initially a little taken aback at the boldness required to call, presumably, oneself sexy in such a public way.  Is this required to market soup these days in the Mission?  Am I completely missing something?  I decided to go straight to the source to find out.

Kevin Montgomery: What brings you out to the neighborhood?

Sexy Soup Lady: I’m constantly inspired and moved by the adventurous and enterprising nature of San Franciscans and in particular the uniqueness and spirit of folks in the Mission. As a local nutritionist and chef dedicated to nourishing the body, and thereby the soul, of Bay Area residents, I was particularly inspired by the community building I saw when I participated in my first experience with MagicCurryCart, CremeBruleeCart, and AmuseBouchSF at the Friday night suppers. It was such a fun and playful atmosphere and I just couldn’t resist being a part of this movement. I wanted to contribute through my dedication to the use of local and seasonal foods. Each of my soups will be based on the locally available, seasonal foods offered to us through our many farmer’s markets – that’s why the last soup was an asparagus soup, which is delicious and in season right now!

KM: Why “sexy?”  Do you think it is a little peculiar to self-ordain yourself as the “sexy” soup vendor of the Mission? Do you feel you need to use sex to sell your soup?

SSL: The reason I joined the cart movement wasn’t necessarily for entrepreneurial reasons, it was simply because I loved the fun and playful atmosphere it provided for me to meet others in the community I love and to nourish my neighbors with healthy food. When it came down to naming my cart, I wanted to emphasize the fun and playful aspect that so endeared me to the experience. What’s more playful than a Sexy Soup? The adjective sexy is not being used in the erotic sense, but in the alternate definition meaning “interesting, exciting, appealing.” Just as the Curry is Magic, so is the Soup Sexy!

You can follow the adventures of the Sexy Soup Lady on Twitter or feast on a cup in various Mission alleys with other popular street carts.

Author: Kevin Montgomery

No one should have a biography at age 24.

7 thoughts on “A Brief Interview with @SexySoupCart”

  1. why does all the delicious street food show up after i leave? everyone and their mom has a street cart these days and i want some of it!

    1. Hey…I’m wondering how to get in touch with the SS Soup Cart lady…I live in Durham, NC and want to do a similar thing, using local, organic vegetables that I grow myself, or from the many farms around here and make delicious, healthy soups, and try and build the cart community here…I would love to ask her more specific questions about how she does her business, sets up her space, etc….Sexy soup lady if you’re out there, please contact me if you have time…ruthyeckles@yahoo.com. Thanks, Ruth

  2. Hey there,

    Just found your blog and live across from Dolores park. I am so excited about all the food carts, I can’t wait to try some out. Thanks for the heads up. It’s great to read about things happening in the hood, thanks!

    1. I’d be more excited about the food carts if it wasn’t impossible to get some food from those fuckers. I checked out the big “cart happening” a while back ago with the creme brulee, magic curry cart, and amuse bouche cart all together. There must have been 100 people there and what seemed like at least a 30 minute wait for food. Someone was interviewing the magic curry cart dude with a microphone and tape recorder. Too much for me. I went around the corner and bought a hotdog wrapped in bacon off of Mission Street.

      1. I guess you have to get their early, hmm. There used to be the hotdog lady at dolores but I haven’t seen her lately. She has the cutest cart.

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