Fire Fire Fire!





Hey, this doesn’t look normal.  Wait a minute, holy shit there’s a fire in Caledonia Alley at 16th St.  SFFD has responded en masse and are dealing with the situation.  Stay posted for updates and in the meantime stay out of the fucking way! And also pray for Esta Noche.

Author: Andrew Sarkarati

caution is the path to mediocrity. gliding, passionless mediocrity is all that most people think they can achieve.

10 thoughts on “Fire Fire Fire!”

    1. I know a few people that live in the building. They are all saying it was arson as well. Same story: revenge mattress set on fire by a disgruntled ex-tenant.

      So far it’s just a rumor. Guess we’ll have to wait and see.

      Not related to the shootings on the same block.

  1. Anyone know if everyone was okay and the extent of the damage? I used to live right across the street and just moved out 2 weeks ago. I’m on the east coast right now, and would appreciate any info.

  2. i heard that there was a huge shooting just a block away at the same time, three victims, capp and 17th-ish. anyone have the details?

  3. YES. Something besides a fire had to be going on because when I was coming home at like 11:30 they STILL had parts of mission blocked and even cross streets like 18th or 19th or something, blocked with police tape.

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