Lady Gaga Causing a Scene at Rosamunde

MEGA UPDATE!!!  We talked to Claire for the whole story!



Truthfully, our buddy Aaron gave us the scoop back on Saturday, but due to a hectic schedule we were only just able to follow up on corroborating the rumor.  Anyway, we finally spoke with the staff and confirmed that Lady Gaga herself did indeed indulge in a sausage from Rosamunde on Mission at 24th when she happened to be in the Bay Area last Thursday for a show in San Jose.

The pop sensation was in a playful mood, possibly due to imbibing several signature beverages along with her bratwurst [ed. we actually don’t know what kind of meat she was eating, but we could ask if you care enough].  She was with her “boyfriend” who also kept reminding her that they had dinner reservations at 7pm at some fancy restaurant downtown.

We have no idea why Gaga insisted on a sausage right before dinner, or how no one thought to snap a picture of her during the duration of her stay (Nice work, CLAIR).  For what it’s worth, only one member of the staff recognized her at all, with one coworker for instance simply dismissomg her as just another “professional.”

We do however know for a fact that Lady Gaga picked up one of those charming Rosamunde t-shirts, so look for her to be wearing that at her next TMZ reveal.  We’ll have accounts from more people who were there coming up soon, so stay tuned if you feel the need to get your paparazzi on.

Author: Andrew Sarkarati

caution is the path to mediocrity. gliding, passionless mediocrity is all that most people think they can achieve.

26 thoughts on “Lady Gaga Causing a Scene at Rosamunde”

    1. Or like the speaker eventually realizes what they’re dismissing is actually totally awesome. I’m using it.

      1. this doesn’t work for me AND I copy & pasted it. maybe we need to be FB friends?

  1. not that celebrity sightings in SF don’t happen, but Lady Gaga’s tour dates make this story a bit suspicious:

    Mon August 16 San Jose, CA HP Pavilion
    Thurs August 19 Portland, OR Rose Garden

    I also don’t think it would be too hard for any run-of-the-mill skinny blonde woman to throw on some make-up and play the part.

    1. I was at Rosamunde when she came in with her boyfriend, and this actually happened at about 1:30pm on Wednesday 8/18, if that makes anyone feel better about whether or not she could have been there without missing her Portland tour date.

  2. it was her, one of my best friends was working, she was there during the day and left at night to drive to portland….:)

    1. not to be the killjoy, but she left Thursday night (after her 7PM dinner reservations mentioned above) to drive 11 hours to a show she was playing on the same night?

      I’m not trying to be a skeptical prick, but could it possibly have been someone pretending to be her? I’ve known several people personally over the years who’ve enjoyed preferential treatment from people who mistakenly thought they were celebrities.

      1. The Portland show was on the 19th and she visited Rosamunde on the 18th. And who said she drove to portland? She probably flew.

    2. Regardless of whether it’s true or not I really like this potentially fauxparazzi story. But I gotta say, I’m with AttF and am quite suspicious….

  3. she sucked my dick at approximately 3 in the p.m. behind the motel 8 in san bruno, flossed (super chunky), then headed for sfo in a zipcar to make her show in portland, so i can corroborate megan’s story.

  4. Why get stuck in a stinky bus with the rest of the crew? We do have, like, a million airports scattered around the Bay Area.

  5. It WAS the Gaag.
    I am holding out publishing my 2 photos until I get a “reasonable” 5 figure remuneration.
    The boyfriend is really her food taster.

  6. I few years ago, a friend of mine did sound for her at City Nights before she got super famous
    either way, I dont care about Lady Gaga. I do care about Rosamunde however haha

  7. Lady gag me personifies a talentless upper eastide trust fund cunt. Her music likens itself to madonnas but without the dance-ibility. Shes has no talent no-hit wonder.

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