You’ve Lived in the Neighborhood, Now Own the Bag

Our pals at Mission Bicycle have teamed with Rickshaw Bagworks (makers of the Beerdolero) to launch their own custom messenger bag program that appeals to you, Mission boy/girl/other! You see, these bags, in addition to full color options, also offer intersection options. Pick your Mission intersection and it gets sewn on the bag. Go ahead, try to stump them with Lapidge and 19th.

These are also a bit more pimped out than your standard Zero Rickshaw bag, with added umbrella lining for waterproofiness. They also added buckles to the bag for you competitive overstuffers, as well as the extras of a stabilizing cross strap, pen holder, inside zippered pocket, card holder, etc.

They go for $89 and 99 (medium/large), but tonight they are 10% as part of the Mission Block Party.

Author: Vic Wong

I own a sword. I like to write. I am a software engineer for I am a gypsy jazz guitarist.

2 thoughts on “You’ve Lived in the Neighborhood, Now Own the Bag”

  1. Where can I get one of these beauties if I can’t make the block party? I’ve been in the market for a new bag. Looks like a perfect Christmas present to myself situation. Thanks!

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