at Arinell (NSFW)

I think Steve Jobs took this photo when he stopped by

San Francisco’s finest pizza and porn, together at last.  Kind of like a frat party.  So far, the Kink crew has hit up the Knockout and, allegedly, the Kilowatt.  Where will they be next?  Smart money’s on Benders.

(Thanks to, ummm, Robert for the tip–yeah, that’s the ticket)

[Photos and Video from, both probably NSFW]

Just don’t try from an iPad.


Kink at the Knockout (NSFW)

The Tens Takes You Inside The Armory

Anti-Porn Bias Costs Kink Cash

Pre-Internet Armory

Breaking Pizza News at Arinell

Author: Andrew Sarkarati

caution is the path to mediocrity. gliding, passionless mediocrity is all that most people think they can achieve.

22 thoughts on “ at Arinell (NSFW)”

    1. finally someone who understands, we should tell women what they can and can’t do with their bodies to keep them from being demoralized.

  1. I’m voting for the Bored of Stupidvisors chambers!

    Daly gets to play the sadist.
    Peskin gets to be the midget.
    Avalos is the kinky professor with the Hefner-esque pipe.
    And so on.

  2. I’m trying to understand why I’m so upset by this. If a woman wants to do this to herself, I guess it’s okay, but to do it in a public place? Forcing me to catch a glimpse of something so degrading, somehow I think that violates my freedom of choice. If they are going to do something in public places, sell tickets and give people warnings. Wonder what the health department thinks about it happening in a food establishment.

  3. Amanda: I have been a “bystander” in a “public disgrace” shoot in SF. It was not visible from the outside (they covered the windows) and everyone in it had to sign paperwork. There was nobody in the shoot or who could see what was going on who hadn’t agreed to it first.

    That said they certainly recruited from the general public of people hanging around the place that day; it’s not like we had to audition.

  4. soma soma you’re full of shit, watch the video, or any of their SF vids that are not filmed in a bar and you’ll see that it’s during the day with the windows uncovered.

    rod, you’re a jack ass, women can do whatever the fuck they want to their bodies, but, i should be free to walk about my neighborhood and not have to see it in a fucking shop window.

  5. I remember a high degree of righteousness when got control of the Mission Armory, and anybody who didn’t like that idea was obviously an anti-porn prude who hated the First Amendment, blah, blah, blah. I think enacting public scenes of sadism and degradation pretty well negates that line of blather.

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